NVUS Cellars

NVUS Vineyards evolved from a simple, yet logical thought; what if we plant something beneficial in the backyard instead of water-consuming lawn? Everyone in Washoe Valley relies on a well, and subsequently, water conservation is topmost importance. In 2017, after consulting with Joe Bernardo and Bill Coplin (an early Nevada grape growing pioneer and former Washoe Valley resident) We planted 57 vines (8 varieties) for a trial run in our backyard.

The west vineyard has 6 Merlot 7 Cabernet Franc , 6 Lemberger 6 Chardonnay6 Pinot Gris, 6 Semillon, 6 Riesling 4 Marquette and the East has90 Petite Pearl, 90 Frontenac Blanc, 80 Riesling. The late May/June freezes (with temps down to 25 degrees) have wreaked havoc on the vines the past 2 years resulting in an insignificant harvest. Undaunted, Stuart has been preparing the eastern ½ acre of the property in preparation for planting in April 2021: 180 hybrids (Petite Pearl & Frontenac Blanc) from Inland Desert, along with 80 Lenox Vineyard Riesling vines (260 vines in 12 x 120’ rows).

We have been making wines with friends, but unfortunately no wines from our little vineyard, NVUS, have yet to come. We are hoping to have fruit in the upcoming year.