NGGW Annual Survey First Name* Last Name* Email* Phone-Area Code* Area Code - Phone Number 1. Education: How interested are you in educational activities conducted by NGGW (rate low to high)?012345 2. Education: I'm more likely to participate in education:In PersonBy ZoomEither/Both 3. Education: I prefer education on:Sat AMSat PMSun AMSun PMMid Week 4 PM5 PM6 PM 4. Education: I'm Interested in these topic(s) (pick up to 4):PlantingPruningIrrigationTrellisingCanopy Mgt.Winter ProtectionDisease/Pest Mgt.Other (Type below)Winemaking Chemistry Winemaking in General 4 continued. Fill in other education interests: 5. Communications: Do you have comments/suggestions for our website or newsletter? 6. Communications: With respect to the NGGW newsletter, I read it:Always,Frequently,Often,Occasionally,Rarely.What newsletter? 7. Communications: My suggestions to help members communicate better with one another are: 8. Communications: Would you like to see a message board and do you have any suggestions? 9. Events: I would like more events like: 10. Events: I prefer events in the:MorningAfternoon 11. Events: I prefer events on:WeekendWeekday 12. Co-op Ideas: Would you be interested in a grape buying co-op: yesno 13. Co-op Ideas: Would you be interested in an equipment co-op: yesno 14. Co-op Ideas: Would you be interested in helping manage a co-op:yesno 15. Partnerships: What would you like from the UNR-NGGW partnership? 16. Partnerships: Do you need soil or water testing services?SoilWater 17. Partnerships: Are you willing to participate in future varietal tests? yeano 18. Partnerships: What if any classes would you like to see offered by TMCC? 19. Engaging Southern Nevada: How can the Northern and Southern Nevada work more closely together moving forward so we are recognized as a statewide organization vs 2 areas working separately? 20. Engaging Southern Nevada: Would you be willing to travel to southern Nevada to meet and engage them?yesno 21. Engaging Southern Nevada: What time of the year could you go (pick no more than two)?AnySpringSummerFallWinter 22. Involvement: I have skills in (__enter below__) and I'm willing to lend them to NGGW: 23 Involvement: I'm signing up to be part of (not leading) a committee(s):EducationSocial EventsNew MembershipMembership RetentionFinding Supporters/SponsorsCommuicationsMentoring Winemakers/Grape Growers 24. Involvement: I'm ready to jump on board the NGGW express and do what I can do to make this organization great.*Yes I amNot at this timeSubmitReset